November 8, 2024

Darrin Mitchell Uses a Passion for Aviation to Support Colleagues

Darrin Mitchell Uses a Passion for Aviation to Support Colleagues

Service General Manager Darrin Mitchell at Cerris Systems – Omaha has been a pilot and certified aircraft mechanic since the 1990s. In that time, he’s used his passion and skill for aviation to make a difference in others’ lives.

Darrin began working at Cerris Systems three years ago and soon after met Service Technician Gene Martens. The two grew a strong working rapport with one another, and earlier this year, Gene confided in Darrin that his wife Robin was battling cancer and had received a poor diagnosis from her care team in Omaha.

Upon hearing this news, Darrin suggested that they try going for an appointment at the Mayo Clinic to see if there were additional treatments Robin could try.

The Martens consulted the Mayo Clinic and were eager to see what they could do to help, but the issue of getting Robin to the Mayo then presented itself. In her condition, the several-hour drive would be challenging, and flying a commercial airline would have presented its challenges, too.

Gene shared these concerns with Darrin during one of their many conversations checking in on Robin’s condition and supporting Gene and his family during such a trying time. Understanding the complications that both driving and flying commercially posed, Darrin offered a third option.

“Do you want me to fly you?” He suggested.

Darrin wasn’t sure whether Robin would want to take that flight or not, as people have differing comfort levels with small planes. He spoke to her on the phone beforehand to share the flight plan and he noted that Robin seemed excited to have transportation that accommodated her current situation.

“I just wanted to make Robin’s life as easy as possible,” Darrin said.

Soon, he and the Martens were flying north to the Mayo Clinic on a Sunday for Robin to receive treatment. He flew back up a few days later to bring them home.

“The gesture Darrin provided us was phenomenal,” said Gene Martens. “This is just the way he is — he sees a need and he’ll jump in.”

While acknowledging that he’s never been through what the Martens experienced, Darrin has been through trials in his own life that provided an understanding of how he could support his colleague in need.

“Nothing I did could change Robin’s outcome, but despite her not feeling well, I watched her enjoy the experience. It was a beautiful day and a gorgeous flight,” he said.

While not everyone can fly someone to another state, Darrin believes we all have the capacity to be vulnerable, allowing others to feel comfortable reaching out for help when needed. Many of us have a mentality that we need to make it seem like we have everything figured out all the time, but Darrin shared that he thinks the reality is that we all need support in some way at some point and that we can provide that support to one another.

The Martens are not the first to be impacted by Darrin’s acts of Caring Heart. Another employee at Cerris Systems – Omaha, Mike Risney, was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in 2023. Mike and Darrin had become good friends and connected over their shared love of aviation. To lift Mike’s spirits during his battle with cancer, Darrin took him for a flight, too.

“I wanted to give him something to advocate for,” Darrin said. “It isn’t always the case, but I think the body and mind are resilient and can keep fighting a little longer with something driving your purpose forward.”

Through genuine care and the willingness to be authentic in his relationships with colleagues, Darrin has created the space for more than one person to be vulnerable with their personal challenges and found ways to help share their burden and become a resource for those in need.

Thank you, Darrin for using your passion for flying to perform these extraordinary acts of Caring Heart.

In memory of Robin Martens and Mike Risney.

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